Give your Boss a big thanks

Do you have a great boss? For your sake, we hope you do! It isn’t often that stellar bosses get recognized for doing what they do. They spend most of their time doling out the compliments (or criticism, but hopefully mostly compliments) to you, their employees. Boss’s Day is October 16th and if you are lucky enough to have an amazing boss, Thursday is the day to show them your appreciation.

Of course we think showing your appreciation to your boss should be done with chocolate, but in case you procrastinate and wait til the last minute, here are some fun Boss’s Day Cards you can download and print. Although, it might not leave the best impression if you procrastinate when it comes to getting something for your boss on his or her special day….so maybe you should get them chocolate.

Why Boss’s Day?
Boss’s Day originated in 1958 when Patricia Bay Haroski registered October 16th as a holiday with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. At the time, Haroski worked for her father at State Farm Insurance and chose his birthday to mark the official holiday. Her goal was to improve relationships between supervisors and their employees. It wasn’t until 4 years later that National Boss Day was officially proclaimed as a holiday. ¹

We want to hear from you! If you have or have had a great boss, we want to know what makes them so great. What do they do that makes them a great person to work for? If you are a boss, what do you do to make your employees love working for you?
